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Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG) and the Public Services Commission (PSC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop an agency-level anticorruption strategy for the PSC. This initiative is part of TIPNG’s Promoting Anti-Corruption and Integrity Strategies (PAIS) Project funded by the European Union to strengthen public trust in national integrity institutions.

“TIPNG welcomes the decision by the PSC to partner with us through an MoU for the development of an anticorruption strategy that will support the mandate of the PSC. We commend the leadership demonstrated by the Commission in signing an MoU to develop an agency-level anti-corruption strategy. This decision speaks to the foresight of the Commission in ensuring that it is further equipped to fulfil its constitutional role.”

“The development of internal anti-corruption strategies was identified as a priority by the PNG national government, under the National Anti-corruption Strategy 2010-2030. While there has been almost no uptake of this national policy over the past 11 years, our current drive to partner with national agencies in aiding them to develop these internal integrity strategies, directly supports the improvement of integrity standards across the PNG public sector. To this end, we invite other agencies to join this initiative and embrace the opportunity to develop and implement active measures to improve the integrity of their internal systems and processes. As well as to restore public trust in our national institutions,” said TIPNG Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Arianne Kassman in a media statement.

The PSC is an independent constitutional office, established under Section 191 of the PNG Constitution. The Review of Personnel Matters is a core function of the Commission under Section 18 of the Public Services (Management) Act 1995 (as amended).

Additionally, the PSC is also mandated to execute powers under Sections 193 and 208B of the National Constitution relating to the appointment, suspension and/or revocation of appointment of Departmental Heads, Provincial Administrators and Heads of Regulatory Statutory Authorities.

TIPNG through the PAIS Project will be working with state agencies to develop internal anti-corruption strategies in 2021, which will be shared with citizens and journalists so that they can more effectively engage with the public sector to take action against corruption.

This work has been informed by TIPNG’s 2021 National Integrity System Assessment (NISA) Report which found that all 14 National Integrity pillars in PNG were less than adequate. Furthermore, the NISA identified a clear integrity gap between the existing laws and practice by agencies. The internal anti-corruption strategies developed by TIPNG in partnership with selected agencies will go towards bridging this integrity gap.


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