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In the lead up to the 2022 National General Elections, Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG) hosted a successful Civic Awareness with partners in Kwikila, Central province as part of TIPNG’s ongoing Building Elections Integrity through Partnership (BEIP) Project.

The one-day program was targeted at voicing out the importance of voter education, roll update, leadership qualities, TIPNG’s election keywords and empower the first-time voters in preparation towards next year’s General Elections.

“With the fast approach of the national elections, eligible voters must make sure that your names are on the common roll update. Essentially, voters have the right to vote in secret and must practice your rights to vote candidates that portray qualities of good governance, must portray accountability and display transparency when campaigning. TIPNG is ready to work with our partners in provinces to build elections integrity,” said Mr. Yuambari Haihuie, Deputy Director Partnerships and Policy.

TIPNG produced info packs consisting of publications and contact information that was being handed onto the Kwikila Police station and the Rigo District Local Level Government office as a courtesy visit before commencing the one-day program. 

Attendees of the program included representatives from the following;

  • Kwikila Vocational School
  • United Church in Papua New Guinea East Central Papua Region
  • Kwikila Secondary School

The Elections Awareness outreach was part of a one-day program to the Rigo District in Central province particularly focused in Kwikila Station with strict Covid-19 measures. TIPNG’s BEIP project will continue to roll out the workshops in eight provinces across the four regions of Papua New Guinea.


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