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Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG) through its ongoing Building Elections Integrity through Partnership (BEIP) Project, conducted an Election Awareness Information Session in Wewak, East Sepik Province yesterday (Wednesday 24th November 2021) The BEIP Project is funded through the PNG-Australia Partnership.

TIPNG convened the Workshop with participants across East Sepik Province including; Caritas PNG, Callan Services, NBC PNG East Sepik, Help Centre ESP, and Community Awareness East Sepik Council of Women.

This Workshop is part of a series of workshops held across 8 provinces in the 4 regions of Papua New Guinea with the intent to inform provincial community groups, churches, and educational bodies on voters rights, responsibilities and how to help especially first-time voters make informed decisions that will benefit the whole country.

TIPNG’s workshop was delivered in partnership with the Office of the East Sepik Provincial Administrator, the Provincial Electoral Office, Manager Mr. James Piapia, and the Provincial Police Commander, Mr. Albert Beli who provided information on the province’s electoral roll update activities and security plans in preparation for the 2022 National General Elections.

From the presentations made and participant discussion at the workshop, it is clear that, despite some training on the electoral roll update conducted by the Provincial Electoral Office with LLGs, the biggest challenge remains the delay in the roll update and the lack of public awareness on the forthcoming 2022 National General Election.

To ensure the integrity of the roll update and transparency of electoral processes, TIPNG is recommending to the East Sepik Provincial Administration to include a wider representation of civil society partners, such as women’s groups, youth groups, and churches, in the Provincial Election Steering Committee responsible for planning and coordinating election preparations in the province.“

Discrepancies and electoral roll inaccuracy were the most dominant problems highlighted in TIPNG’s 2017 election observation report. This has also been a recurring problem election after election and has failed many voters.

Authorities responsible for coordinating the elections must make public their plans on the roll update exercise so that people can ensure they are accurately enlisted to vote. This will also ensure a fair election,” said TIPNG CEO, Ms. Arianne Kassman.

Provincial Election Offices, working with respective Provincial Election Steering Committees are responsible for setting the schedule for the roll update exercise which will take place at former polling sites at the ward level over the coming weeks.

This process must be done transparently with clear times and locations for eligible voters to ensure their details are updated and ready for the 2022 National General Election which is scheduled to commence in April 2022.


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