Our 2022 Q1 Newsletter is out Now!

Dear Members and Friends,

As expected during an election year, this first quarter has come flying out of the blocks! We marked our 25th year in the fight against corruption in January. We took the time to honor the courage and commitment of our many supporters who have enabled us to continue our work on the frontlines of anti-corruption in our country.

As a token of our renewed commitment to the fight against corruption in our communities, we also launched our new commemorative logo, and our new website, which is targeted at boosting both public accessibility to our services and accessibility to our team.

With the official issue of writs for the 2022 National General Elections on the horizon, our teams have already begun ramping up our election awareness and information outreach to an additional four provinces and three new public information streams including a podcast, weekly live radio panel sessions, and a monthly editorial column.

While delays to the election schedule have prompted serious cause for concern, particularly for unregistered voters, much of the feedback we received from communities which we extended our outreach to demonstrated a great need for accurate and reliable
information among people at the community level.

In many cases this was only further accentuated by the lack of consultation and involvement of civil society actors and networks at the Provincial Elections Steering Committee level.

While much of our focus this quarter has been put towards building community and agency resilience to the many forms of corruption that are prone to surface during the elections.

We have also positioned our other projects and programs to support complementary outcomes such as the extension of our Anti-Corruption Help Desk mobile clinic to Lae, and the successful hosting of our Investigative Journalism Workshop in March.

I would like to end with this reminder. The outcome of the next few months rests in our hands, and if we want the government that we deserve as a people, then each of us must rise to the occasion to protect the integrity of our elections.

Yours in partnership,

Arianne Kassman

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