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A Free Media is Crucial to Accountability in Papua New Guinea

Tuesday 3rd May, 2022 – In remarks celebrating World Press Freedom Day, Transparency International Papua New Guinea (TIPNG), has reiterated its support to media in Papua New Guinea in their shared role to hold those who are in power accountable.

“In democratic countries, often the media becomes a tool for accountability, to keep other institutions such as legislature, executive and judiciary in check. In countries such as Papua New Guinea where governance is weak or lacking, the work of an independent and effective media becomes even more crucial. Your work as media professionals can have a significant positive impact as it can shape community attitudes, influence societal mindsets, and inform changes in government policies,” said TIPNG Board Chair, Peter Aitsi, in his address at the Inaugural Media Freedom Day Breakfast hosted on Tuesday 3rd May, at the Gateway Hotel, Port Moresby. The Breakfast was held as a fundraising drive by former Communication & Arts students of Divine Word University.

“Transparency International PNG is very much committed to seeing a professional, capable, and independent media industry. As part of our support, we have partnered with the media council of Papua New Guinea to host several training workshops and several industry events aimed at reigniting media practitioners. In 2021, with the support of the European Union we launched the Investigative Journalism Award, aimed at encouraging and rewarding excellence in investigative reporting,” said Mr. Aitsi.

TIPNG’s Investigative Journalism Awards are a part of its Promoting Anti-Corruption and Integrity Strategies (PAIS) Project funded with support from the European Union. These Awards are targeted at recognizing mainstream media journalists who have successfully adapted investigative approaches to their practice. Entries are open to all PNG journalists in Print and Broadcast Media and the deadline for submissions is 15th July 2022.

There are three categories for TIPNG’s Investigative Journalism awards; Investigation into Statutory Appointments and Use of Public Money, Investigation into Separation of Powers, and an Open Category. The Open Category is for entries on; Malpractice Within Law Enforcement Agencies, Political Influence on the Electoral Process, Bribery Cases in the Elections, Governance of Political Parties, Transnational Crimes, and Sub-National Level Governance. For more information on how to apply visit the TIPNG website.


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