Our 2023 Q2 Newsletter Is Out Now!

Dear Members and Friends,

The second quarter was an extremely busy period for us at TIPNG. At the top of the quarter, we hosted the inaugural National CCAC meeting in Lae in collaboration with the Lae Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Participants came from all four regions and showed support for the work of the CCAC.

We continue to Co-Chair the PNG Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative and we encourage other CSOs to engage in the OGP National Action Plan 2 (2022 – 2024).

We held our 2022 Annual General Meeting in June and saw the appointment of the new Board. We achieved another unqualified audit report that you can read in our 2022 Annual Report.

Our Promoting Anti-Corruption & Integrity Strategies (PAIS) Project reached its end phase and we are grateful for the funding support by the European Union. The PAIS project was a 3-year project that allowed us to assess the integrity systems of state agencies and working with the agencies to develop anti-corruption strategies to be more effective in their mandates.

At TIPNG, we are committed to seeing better elections and as such we continue to engage with actors of our election administration to ensure that the recommendations from our election observation report are taken up. And we acknowledge the Special Parliamentary Committee on the 2022 National General Elections for the work they have done so far through the public hearings and the regional consultations.

Membership is still ongoing so if you or your organization is interested, please get in touch with us for a registration form. I want to say a big “thank you” to all the people and organizations that continue to throw in support for the work of TIPNG.

We’ve had numerous engagements with various partners this quarter and invite you to read about them in this newsletter.

Yours in partnership,

Arianne Kassman

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