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Bridge the Integrity Gap

TIPNG hosts 2nd National Integrity Summit

Thursday 17 November 2022, Port Moresby – Transparency International PNG (TIPNG) is hosting the 2nd National Integrity Summit from November 17th – 18th 2022 at the APEC Haus in Port Moresby.

With the theme “Bridge the Integrity Gap”, the National Integrity Summit brings together national practioners and reformers to be informed of the latest approaches to strengthen national integrity through structured dialogue. The Summit will showcase innovative approaches to anti-corruption, recognize the efforts of agencies and celebrate investigative journalism in Papua New Guinea.

The Summit is funded by the European Union through TIPNG’s Promoting Anti-Corruption & Integrity Strategies (PAIS) Project. The PAIS Project aims to strengthen public trust in state agencies by ensuring that there are institutional means of addressing corruption both internally within the agency and externally through the Independent Commission Against Corruption once it is fully established.

TIPNG Chair Peter Aitsi said “Papua New Guinea’s National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2010-2030 calls on state agencies to develop internal anti-corruption strategies, yet to date there has been almost no uptake of this national policy. Through the PAIS Project, TIPNG has worked with five (5) state agencies to develop agency-level anti-corruption strategies, this work is aligned with the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and is aimed at strengthening governments response to combating corruption and bridging the integrity gap between policy and practice”.

Day one of the National Integrity Summit (Thursday 17th November 2022) saw the official opening of the Summit with dignitaries, namely the Head of Delegation of the European Union in Papua New Guinea, Ambassador Jacques Fradin and Acting Chief Justice Ambeng Kandakasi. Two panel sessions also took place, focused on how PNG’s Law & Justice Sector can do more to deter the corrupt, and how good business practices can promote integrity in state investment.

Day two will feature a round table on identifying innovations in integrity with a keynote address from UNDP Resident Representative Mr Dirk Wagener and two panel session on defending constitutional democracy in PNG and the future of electoral & integrity reforms.

  • State agencies and Integrity Institutions to strengthen their capacity to address corruption complaints both internally and externally;
  • The Mediato increase the capacity of journalists to conduct investigative journalism;
  • Civil Society to bring together like-minded organizations and private sector partners to tackle corruption.

The funding from the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) has enable TIPNG to strengthen national integrity by collaborating with:

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