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CCAC set to host national meeting in Lae

A model of unity for addressing corruption

Thursday 20th April 2023, Port Moresby – The Community Coalition Against Corruption (CCAC) is set to host its first national meeting in Lae, Morobe Province on Monday 24 April 2023 at the Lae International Hotel.

The aim of this Meeting is to galvanise national support through regional representation for the CCAC to prioritize national issues that the CCAC can collectively work to campaign and increase advocacy on. The meeting is also expected to lead to the formation of a CCAC National Steering Committee to lead the work of the Coalition.

The national CCAC meeting will be co-hosted by the Lae Chamber of Commerce, and in partnership with UNDP and the Media Development Initiative (MDI). Representatives from mainstream media companies, church agencies, community-based organizations, development partners and other NGOs from across all four regions of the country will be participating in the CCAC national meeting. More than 50 participants are expected at the event.   

Initially co-founded by Transparency International PNG (TIPNG) and the Media Council of PNG in 2002 with the support of churches, chambers of commerce, the Ombudsman Commission and the Office of the Public Solicitor, the CCAC is a loose network of organizations and community networks that come together to discuss and make recommendations on national governance issues.  

At its core, the CCAC is a model for national unity against corruption. While there are many other organizations in PNG who are doing great work in more specific sectors of their community, the CCAC presents itself as a platform through which organizations can come together and present a unified voice against corruption.

The Coalition’s operations, its agenda and priorities will be determined by CCAC members. Any organizations in Lae interested in joining the CCAC meeting are encouraged to contact our TIPNG Coalitions Engagement Lead through the following email address, barbra.ruin@transparencypng.org.pg .

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