Department Of Finance Commission of Inquiry

Reports of widespread corruption and mismanagement of millions of Kina at the Department of Finance warranted the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry in August 2006. But it began its work in May 2008 and handed over its final report to Prime Minister Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare in October 2009 (Inquiry, 2013).
However, in March 2010 a court injunction obtained by lawyer Paul Paraka and former solicitor general Zacchary Gelu prevented the publication and implementation of the inquiry’s findings until November 29, 2013 when the injunction was lifted.
The inquiry implicated lawyers, senior bureaucrats and businessmen and recommended their criminal prosecution.
Despite the lifting of the injunction on November 29, 2013 there were no attempts by the Government to implement the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry.
But on June 18, 2016 Prime Minister Peter O’Neill assured the public that the recommendations of the inquiry will be fully implemented in the New Year 2017 (EMTV, 2016).
At the time of writing, close to 5 months into the New Year and the Government is yet to update the public on the progress it is making to implement the recommendations.