Dear Members and Friends,

Welcome to the final issue of 2021 and what an eventful year it has been! As we prepare to close up this week for the Christmas and New Year break, the first quarter of 2022 is already shaping up to be a very exciting (and quite hectic) for us, as we gear up for our TIPNG 25th Anniversary in January, and the Issue of Writs for the national elections in April.

Closing off the final quarter of this year, preparations for the 2022 National General Elections have been core to our engagement this quarter, as we have continued roll out of our provincial election awareness and outreach, under our Building Elections Integrity through Partnership project. Since October, we have deployed ground teams to Kwikila, Wewak, and Alotau to raise awareness and reinforce partnership and collaboration between key community stakeholders, government agencies and the private sector.

Amid growing concerns over multiple successive delays to the PNG Electoral Roll Update exercise and the general lack of information and awareness available to voters around the country, especially the unregistered and first-time voters. In keeping with our drive to build greater community engagement and ownership of the fight against corruption, we also relaunched the Community Coalition Against Corruption (CCAC) in December, to mark International Anti-Corruption Day.

The CCAC provides a strong collaborative framework for community networks to unite and take action against corruption in our country. As we brace ourselves going into the 2022 election year, our team has also been reinforced by the 5th intake of law students through our Legal Internship program and our inaugural Legal Aid Program.

We are proud of our continued partnership with all our partners, donors, stakeholders and members. We have been truly blessed to have your continued support this year and none of the progress we have been able to make, nor the impact we have been able to create, would have been possible without you all. On behalf of our management, staff, and our board, I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season, and I look forward to greater collaboration in 2022!

Yours in partnership,

Arianne Kassman, Chief Executive Officer

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