Our 2023 Q1 Newsletter Is Out Now!

Dear Members and Friends, 

Thank you for taking time to read our first quarter newsletter for 2023.  

The first quarter went by so fast and as you skim through the pages of this newsletter, you will see that our team at TIPNG were again, fully engaged in various activities across all sectors.  

This quarter the 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index results were published which saw PNG’s score dropping to a low 30 out of 100, highlighting a stagnation in the government’s efforts in clamping down on public sector corruption. So, more effort and collaboration is required from all of us to clamp down on corrupt practices.  

In February, our nation was taken aback by the introduced draft Media Development Policy. We expressed concern that the policy included provisions that would compromise the independence and freedom of the media organizations and journalists and we’ve put forward some high-level recommendations in our submission to the Department of Information and Communication Technology.  

We continued to engage with our partners to share our work and expertise. We were also honored to forge a formal partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise to empower our women folk in combatting corruption.   

You’ll read that we conducted a number of lunch & learn sessions with various organizations. If you’d like us to visit your organization, please get in touch soon! 

I would like to end with the reminder that Membership is still open; I urge our members to renew your membership for 2023 or sign up if you are not yet a member and support our work. I thank the business houses and families that have renewed their support for 2023.  We are looking forward to engaging more with each of you.  

Yours in partnership, 

Arianne Kassman 

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